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Annual General Meetings

Information and voting procedures for Carolinian Canada Coalition's Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meeting 2019: Investing in Biodiversity for a Green Future

Event Page

Annual Report*


Download the Full Agenda Package

The Agenda Package Includes:

  • Feature Speakers
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Schedule
  • AGM Agenda
  • AGM 2018 Meeting Minutes
  • Election Slate

*comming Soon

Annual General Meeting 2018: Growing a Green Future, Together

Event Page
Annual Report
Election Slate
Business Meeting Agenda

Past AGM's, Annual Reports, and Meeting Minutes

Annual Reports
Previous AGM Minutes

Annual financial statements and documents are available on request, free of charge by contacting our office.

Member Voting Bylaws


23.01: Notice of any meeting where special business will be transacted should contain sufficient information to permit the member to form a reasoned judgement on the decision to be taken. Notice of each meeting of members must remind the member that he or she has the right to vote by proxy. Written notice of the time and place of every annual or special general meeting of the members shall be given to each member in the manner provided in Article 27. Notice for the annual meeting shall be given not less than twenty-one (21) days (and not less than thirty (30) days if sent by mail) before the time fixed for holding such meeting. Any meeting of members may be held at any time and place without such notice if all the members of the Coalition are present thereat or represented by proxy duly appointed, and at such meeting any business may be transacted which the Coalition at any annual or general meeting may transact.


22.02 Annual Meeting: An annual meeting shall be held each year. In addition to any other business that may be transacted, at every annual meeting, the report of the Directors, the financial statement, and the report of the auditors if available, shall be presented, a Board of Directors shall be elected auditors shall be appointed for the ensuing year and the remuneration of the auditors shall be fixed. The auditor shall not be a Director, Officer or employee of the Coalition without the prior consent of all of the members. If the final report of the auditors is not available for the annual meeting, an oral report shall be presented, and a final report shall be published later in a newsletter, or sent to those members attending the annual meeting and to any other members on request.

22.03 Elections: The received written nominations for Directors as developed in Article 18.01 shall be presented at every Annual Meeting. An election by ballot shall be held when necessary. The recommended slate of the Board Development Committee, and those who have been nominated in writing prior to the annual meeting shall stand for election. The members receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the extent that there are available positions on the Board forthat election.


24.01 Voting Rights: Each voting member present at a meeting shall have the right to exercise one vote if their membership dues have been paid at least four (4) weeks prior to the meeting. Every member entitled to vote at meetings of membership may by instrument in writing appoint a proxy who need not be a member of the Coalition, to attend and act at the meeting in the same manner, to the same extent and with the same power as if the member were present at the meeting in the manner and to the extent of the power conferred by proxy.

24.02 Proxies: The instrument appointing a proxy, in the format below, shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or their attorney, authorized in writing, or attorney so authorized, and shall state the date on which it ceases to be valid. If the proxy does not state such a date, it shall cease to be valid after the expiration of one year from the date thereof. The instrument appointing a proxy may be in such form as the Directors may from time to time prescribe or in such other form as the chair of the meeting may accept as sufficient, and shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Coalition prior to the commencement of any meeting, before any vote is cast under its authority, or at such earlier time and in such manner as the Board of Directors may prescribe in accordance with the Canada Corporations Act.

Proxy Vote Format
The undersigned voting member of the Carolinian Canada Coalition hereby appoints [name], or failing such person [insert another name] as the proxy of the undersigned to attend and act at the meeting of the members to be held on [date] at [place], and at any postponement or adjournment thereof, in the same manner and to the same extent and with the same powers as if the undersigned were present at the said meeting [signature and date].

24.03 General: At all meetings of members every question shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present in person or represented by proxy unless otherwise required by the Act, the by-laws of the Coalition or by law. Every question shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands unless a poll be demanded by any member. Upon a show of hands, every member having voting rights shall have one vote, and unless a poll be demanded a declaration by the Chair that a resolution has been carried or not carried and any entry to that effect in the minutesof the Coalition shall be admissible in evidence proof of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes accorded in favour drawn. If a poll be demanded and not withdrawn the question shall be decided by a majority of votes cast by the members present in person or by proxy. Such poll shall be taken in such manner as the Chair shall direct and the result of such poll shall be deemed the decision of the Coalition in general meeting upon the matter in question. In case of an equality of votes, whether upon a show of hands or at a poll, the motion shall fail.